Steps to owning your own business

To begin your journey to financial success and freedom , please use one of the following two options:

Option 1: Manual Submission Note:  Electronically submitted applications will be processed before mailed applications.

Step 1:  Print and fill out the forms "Online Business Contract", "Business Manager Profile" and the "Business Opportunity Fee Reimbursement Schedule".  **Please remember to fill out the zip codes you are requesting for your exclusive territory.**

Step 2:  Submit all three forms 1 of the following 2 ways:
            1) Email your completed forms to
            2) Over-night  your completed forms to 404 BNA Dr, Building 200, Suite 106, Nashville TN, 37217

Step 3:  Email the tracking number of the over-night package to 

Step 4:  Check the training dates on our home page and email us the date you will attend the training.  Training dates fill up quickly so please email us your training dates as soon as possible.

Forms:  Online Business Contract, Online Business Manager Profile, Business Opportunity Payment Form and Fee Reimbursement Schedule

Option 2:  Online Submission.  Note: Electronically submitted applications will be processed before mailed applications.**Please remember to fill out the zip codes you are requesting for your exclusive territory.**

Step 1:  Click on the tab labeled Online Business Contract.

Step 2:  Fill out the Online Business Contract

Step 3:  Submit the Online Business Contract

Step 4: Click on the tab to return to our home page

Step 5: Click on the tab labeled Online Business Manager Profile

Step 6: Fill out the Online Business Manager Profile

Step 7: Submit the Online Business Manager Profile

Step 8: Check the training dates on our home page and email us the date you will attend the training.  Training dates fill up quickly so please email us your training dates as soon as possible.